
Cloud Computing

SCORE provides cloud computing services in Azure to its members as well as to other organizations like I3US.

GPU computing

SCORE Lab holds High Performance Computing (HPC) and GPU computing servers in its facilities and GPU hardware for mobility. They have been used to develop and run the first GPU-accelerated simulators for P systems. These simulators can be downloaded from the PMCGPU software project. Today, they are used for GPU computing applied to Membrane Computing simulators and beyond (track reconstruction, deep learning, robotics, …), by using CUDA and OpenCL.

The servers are connected to UPC – power protection system, and installed inside a cooled room. The access to these servers are restricted to SCORE members and collaborators. If you want to collaborate with us, contact us. We are open to new ideas and projects!

The administrators are Miguel A. Martínez-del-Amor and Daniel Hugo Campora. So if you have any question, new software to install, problems, etc, please, email anyone of them.

Find in the next links more information about our servers, parallel hardware, quick manuals and the CUDA research center from 2014 to 2016:

Hardware Facilities

SCORE Lab scientists and engineers have access to:

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