
This is a list of the software that has been developed by members of SCORE Lab.



Agreement Document Analysis Framework which currently support the analysis of documents specified with WS-Agreement recommendation of the OGF working group.



BeTTy is an extensible and highly configurable framework supporting BEnchmarking and TestTing on the analYses of feature models. It is written in Java and is distributed as a jar file facilitating its integration into external projects. BeTTy has been developed on top of some of the core components of theFaMa Tool Suite.



System and method for compliance event and incident management (CEIM). Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2012-09-05



CRISTAL (Collection of Resource-centrIc Supporting Tools And Languages), a system aimed at providing advanced support for resource management in business processes. Most of its functionalities are based on RAL (Resource Assignment Language), a language to select human resources from an organizational model.



Induced usage limitations calculation in RESTful APIs. Collaboration with USI Lugano (Switzerland).



An Enhanced MatchMaking Add-on (EMMA). Otra modalidad de propiedad intelectual.



EXpEriments Management PLAtfoRm



A java-based tool for analyzing orthogonal variability models

FAMA Tool Suite

FAMA Tool Suite

FaMa-FW is a Framework for automated analyses of feature models integrating some of the most commonly used logic representations and solvers proposed in the literature (BDD, SAT and CSP solvers are implemented). FaMa is the first tool integrating different solvers for the automated analyses of feature models.



SLA driven service transaction has been identified as a key challenge to take advantage of a SOA. FAST System provides a software framework for the automated creation of SLAs.



Framework for Optimization using Metaheuristics

Governance Document Analyser (GDA)

Governance Document Analyser (GDA)

GDA is an analysis tool of WS-Governance documents. It has been developed using the Choco constraint solver Choco. This prototype receives two XML documents as input: a WS-Governcance* document P, and an optional SAML document that provides governance relevant information S, simulating a UDDI registry enriched with metadata to support governance policies reasoning. The SAML document provides the flexibility to test properties checking for the same SLA and GD under different concrete circumstances. After mapping the P and S to the equivalent CSP, our proof-of-concept prototype processes the CSP and returns a report showing the results of the following checks: intrinsic consistency of each isolated policy of P, consistency of the whole set of policies of P and the general consistency of P on S.



Governify is a set of microservices that support the design, monitoring and implementation of SLAs.

MaCMAS Case Tool

MaCMAS Case Tool

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool for supporting the MaCMAS models and transformations.



MeCoSim (Membrane Computing Simulator) is a software that offers the users a General Purpose Application to model, design, simulate, analyze and verify different types of models based on P systems. It includes a newer version of pLinguaCore including more features than version 4.0.



Framework for engineering automated negotiations for SLAs.

P systems

P systems

Modelling ecosystems. This simulator was presented at the 9th Workshop on Membrane Computing.



P-Lingua is a programming language for Membrane Computing which aims to be a standard to define P systems. It and its associated tools are available as a free and reusable package for the development of software/hardware applications capable of simulate P system computations. In order to implement this idea, a Java library called pLinguaCore has been produced as a software framework for cell-like, tissue-like, spiking neural-like P systems, and PDP systems, simulators. Several graphical applications have been developed based on P-Lingua, such as MeCoGUI, P-Lingua web analyzer and P-Lingua plugin. The latest version is now 4.0 (released on 28/09/13).



PMCGPU (Parallel simulators for Membrane Computing on the GPU) is a software project which aims to bring together all the researchers working on the development of parallel simulators for P systems, specially those using GPU computing (either CUDA or OpenCL). Other parallel platforms are also welcome (multicore and manycore, FPGAs, etc).



PPINOT is a set of tools and techniques for the definition and automated analysis of process performance indicators.



Preference-based Universal Ranking Integration (PURI) framework. Otra modalidad de propiedad intelectual. Solicitud: 2013-03-15



REM (Requirement Management) is a free experimental Requirements Management tool designed to support the Requirements Engineering phase of a software development project according to the methodology defined in the Doctoral Thesis “A Methodological Environment of Requirements Engineering for Information Systems”, presented by Amador Durán in September 2000.



RESTest is a framework for automated black-box testing of RESTful web APIs. It follows a model-based approach, where test cases are automatically derived from the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) of the API under test. No access to the source code is required, which makes it possible to test APIs written in any programming language, running in local or remote servers. RESTest is a framework for automated black-box testing of RESTful web APIs. It follows a model-based approach, where test cases are automatically derived from the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) of the API under test. No access to the source code is required, which makes it possible to test APIs written in any programming language, running in local or remote servers.



SmarTest is a testing module for accelerating the detection of faults in Drupal.

SOA4All Integrated Rankings

SOA4All Integrated Rankings

SOA4All Integrated Ranking is a tool that allows a user to define and compose preferences using a generic and expressive model that integrate preference definitions used in three different ranking techniques developed in the European SOA4All project.



Prototype to analyse feature models



STATService is a suite of software components for statististical analysis. Currently it comprises of: A web portal that allows you to perform statistical analysis directly online, a set of XML web services, that allows the programmatic use of statistical tests from nearly any programming language and plattform and a set of plugins that allows to integrate statitical analysis in your favourite programs.

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